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- rem [
- rem Name: u.vmmpatch.bat
- rem
- rem Derived from: (original)
- rem
- rem Author: Clive Standbridge
- rem
- rem Created on: July 1997
- rem
- rem Sccs ID: @(#)u.vmmpatch.bat 1.2 10/13/97
- rem
- rem Coding Stds:
- rem
- rem Purpose: Windows 95 batch file for patching the Windows 95 Vxd
- rem library VMM32.VXD. This may be called during either the
- rem DOS or Windows phase of the upgrade, depending on the
- rem type of upgrade.
- rem
- rem Parameters: 1 "new" : apply the patch for newly-installed OS only.
- rem "old" : apply the patch for existing OS only.
- rem 2 new serial number (8 hex digits)
- rem 3 old serial number (8 hex digits)
- rem 4 host OS type i.e. "mac" or "unix"
- rem
- rem Copyright 1997 Insignia Solutions PLC. All rights reserved.
- rem ]
- REM Determine Windows 95 OS installation state: existing or new installation?
- ibatch vmmNewOS = 0x%2 & 0xF000 %#lx
- ibatch vmmOldOS = 0x%3 & 0xF000 %#lx
- itest 0x%3 ">=" 0xF0000000
- if errorlevel 1 itest "%vmmOldOS%" "<" "%vmmNewOS%"
- if errorlevel 1 goto new_%1
- goto old_%1
- :new_new
- :old_old
- REM OS install state matches the condition; do the patch.
- c:\insignia\inspatch c:\insignia\patch.pat c:\windows\wininit.exe c:\insignia\inspat95.exe >>c:\insignia\up.log
- REM If we have our Windows95 patcher we can proceed
- if not exist c:\insignia\inspat95.exe goto end
- REM Determine which components to patch
- set vmmFlags=-$
- REM Save and patch VMM32.VXD
- call patchone vmm32.vxd c:\windows\system %vmmFlags%
- set vmmFlags=
- goto end
- :new_old
- :old_new
- REM OS install state does not match the condition; do nothing.
- :end